
TRAINING ARTICLE: Introduce yourself...BOLDLY!


When a new affiliate logs into the SFI Affiliate Center, he or she is greeted by an alert page reminding them of important steps they need to take and information they need to know. Included on that alert page will be a message that says:

"Your SFI Advisor—SFI Corporate ([email protected])—has left a special welcome message for you. Click here to read now."

Although the SFI system puts in place a default welcome message from you for your PRAs, we strongly recommend you incorporate your own style with a customized welcome message. We've all heard about the importance of first impressions. Well, this is it. You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression, so you want to greet your new affiliates with a message that is personable, memorable, and action inducing.

So, what should your special message include? We suggest:

A. A warm welcome.

B. An invitation to participate in your co-op (No co-op of your own yet!? Click HERE to start one).

C. An expression of your assistance and support.

D. A small gift (optional).

Now let's put all of the above components into a sample letter (feel free to use any and all parts in your own message):

Dear new affiliate,


I am delighted that you've joined my SFI team!


As your Personal SFI Advisor, I'm here to help you get started in SFI right. My success is tied directly to yours, so please don't hesitate to contact me to assist you with anything...anytime.


I also want to let you know that I operate an advertising co-op you'll want to consider participating in. The way the co-op works is I place ads for SFI, and then everyone in my co-op gets a share of all the leads generated. If you don't have experience in advertising, this is a great way to start building your own lucrative team. E-mail me at [[email protected]] if you'd like the details on how you can participate in my co-op.

One more thing: I have compiled an e-book of training tips. This book has taken me years to compile and contains a wealth of great ideas that can save you months of trial and error. I'd like to provide you with a copy of my e-book as a small token of my appreciation for joining my SFI team. You can download a free copy at [MYWEBSITE.COM/EBOOK/].

Once again, welcome to SFI. I look forward to working with you!




Your Name
 Your contact information 

Once you've created your message, copy and paste it here:

Now, some of you may be saying, "Hey, I already send all my new affiliates an e-mail isn't this redundant?"

Perhaps, but here's the problem with e-mail: SPAM FILTERS! Because spam literally chokes the Internet pipelines and is considered a scourge by nearly everyone, filters are employed at every turn to try to keep the spam out. Many ISPs use MULTIPLE spam filters, and many individuals now have filters on their personal e-mail browsers, too. The result of all these filters is that many e-mails are not delivered or get shuffled to "junk" folders where they're never seen. It's not fair, but that's today's reality. But you CAN avoid having your message lost.

HOW? Simple: You put your message where your new affiliates will see it when they log in at the SFI Affiliate Center.

