
What are E-Cards and why should I use them?

E-Cards are one of SFI's coolest little marketing tools. They are:

* 100% FREE!
* Simple and easy to use!
* Great marketing tools that can get you immediate results!

With E-Cards, you can send free "digital greeting cards” to friends and family, promoting SFI, ECommergy, and more in a fun and friendly way. You'll find a variety of E-Cards for attracting new referred affiliates and members in the Marketing Aids section of the Affiliate Center. 

→ Get instructions for composing and sending your E-Cards to prospective affiliates and members here.

→ Get instructions on sending E-Cards to your existing PRAs, click here.

Why use E-Cards?

To get prospective PRAs and PRMs...

With E-Cards, SFI does the "heavy lifting" (the selling) for you. There's no need to know every little detail about SFI or the product you're letting your recipients know about. Simply choose a card, add a short friendly little message, and send it. The full-color card and the Gateway URL included with it will take it from there! Get instructions.

We also realize that many people shy away from promoting SFI to their friends and family. Some people are simply uncomfortable promoting something to a friend or family member. Others may not know what to say...or fear being rejected.

But here's how you need to look at it: If you found a gold mine that contained more gold than you could ever use yourself, who would you tell about it? We're betting that it would be your closest friends and family members. SFI is just like that goldmine, and possibly with even greater potential. With that in mind, we've specifically designed  E-Cards with "just the right touch" for friends and family. We've "kept it light." That is, E-Cards are very friendly and/or use a bit of humor to promote ECommergy, SFI, etc.

PLUS...when there is an exciting new development in SFI, we'll make a new E-Card available, letting you send out a new round of friendly little announcement cards to your list. No need to twist arms or get in anyone's face with "high pressure." You're simply letting them know about the latest development pertaining to your business with a brief and friendly electronic postcard.

And always remember, a huge component of successful prospecting is TIMING. For example, maybe SFI isn't right for your friend or family member today, but people's lives are constantly changing. In three months, or six months, or a year, they may be more open to hearing about us—especially if you've sent them an E-Card several months in a row, which has quietly provided evidence that SFI pays out real income.

Just grab the e-mail addresses of your friends and family and start sending out E-Cards. It's simple. It's easy. It's free. And ANYONE can do it! Start sending out your E-Cards now HERE. IMPORTANT: E-Cards may be sent ONLY to friends and family members. To prevent abuse, there is also a limit of 10 E-Cards that can be sent per day to prospective affiliates or members.

For team building...

Using E-Cards as a way to build enthusiasm among your existing PRAs! Getting a nice, colorful E-Card from you, their SFI Advisor, can go far in building strong relationships with your referred Affiliates and encouraging them to keep up their efforts and/or to take action. Get instructions.

As an SFI Advisor, you can send E-Cards to:

* Welcome new PRAs to your team.

* Encourage leaders in your group.

* Tell specific affiliates they're doing a great job

* Recognize affiliates who’ve won the Daily Grand.

* Recognize birthdays and SFI anniversaries.

* Send an affiliate a card celebrating a specific holiday

* Let your affiliates know you’re available and there to help them.

* Just say “Keep up the great work!” to a hard-working member of your team.

* And more!

You can choose from among a wide variety of cards—some colorful, some funny, some a bit silly, and some beautiful. There are E-Cards that automatically personalize themselves with your recipients’ SFI account photo, as well as cards for “special situations,” such as an affiliate who has stopped logging in at the Affiliate Center. You can use any of these E-Cards you like, completely free.

There are also some fun “Please don’t go!” cards you can use to send to those “dreaded red-flagged affiliates” in your Referrals Report who are about to be purged.

TIP: Do NOT expect recipients of your cards to reply or take action immediately. Also, don’t send E-Cards so often that you become an annoyance, or your affiliates will just begin to ignore your messages and delete them without even opening them. 
